Call for Papers

Submissions to the Open Arts Journal should meet several of the following criteria:

  • Original work, reflecting current concerns and critical issues in the subject area. (Open Arts Journal does not publish previously published material).
  • Valuable introductory work, opening up new areas of research and scholarship.
  • Makes a significant contribution to the global practice and understanding of the history of art, architecture and design, and visual culture and material culture.
  • Troubles the geographical scope and periodisation of the mainstream histories of art, architecture and design.
  • Theoretically innovative, expanding on the basic concepts of the discipline.
  • Shows how art history may interact with other disciplines, such as art practice, curating and museology, arts organising, cultural policy and the public understanding of art.
  • Enables cross-fertilisation between art, architectural and design history, film and media studies, material and visual culture studies and the broader humanities.

We welcome a full paper or a 200-word abstract of your proposed submission to the Editor, Open Arts Journal